How Troubled are Parents About the Spiritual Growth of their Children?

Consider a Google search for Christian parents’ primary concern for their children; you will discover that their top priority is their “children’s faith formation.”[1] According to a recent 2021 survey by the Barna Group, “show that parents, regardless of religious identity or faith practice, want their children to have a healthy relationship with spirituality. Christian parents—especially those who are practicing Christians—are the most adamant about this.”[2] Notably, Christian parents are incredibly resolute about this, particularly those actively practicing their faith. As parents who are followers of the Way of Jesus Christ, we understand these concerns and have created a music discipleship program that answers that call.

As parents of homeschooled children, we did not desire our children to spend thirty to forty hours a week under a public education system that does not align with the Word of God. Understanding that homeschooling may not be viable for many parents, we felt called to establish an after-school program that focuses on worship, music, songwriting, and discipleship rooted in the Word of God. The need for such a program is urgent, and we are here to provide a solution in a safe environment, which is a high priority for us.

Over the years, we have watched how students spend minimal hours studying the Scriptures for their spiritual formation compared to thirty to forty hours a week under the influence of a public school education. In addition, children would participate in after-school activities that are only an extension of the world by participating in music, dance, and musicals created from the secular mindset. We discovered that not all parents and students prefer some of those areas where they participate, so we stand firm in training in music and discipleship from the Word of God.

Students will be able to learn the art of singing and playing an instrument, gain insight into the Bible’s teachings on topics such as salvation and baptism, and learn effective study methods. The initial 16-week training semester will explore faith through the music discipleship program. In the subsequent 16-week training semesters, students will deepen their faith through music and Bible studies within the discipleship program. Finally, during the third 16-week training block, students can apply what they have learned in practical settings. We invite students and parents to envision the impact of leading worship. Recognizing and empathizing with these concerns, we have designed this program to facilitate spiritual growth for students and parents through the teachings of the Word of God.

[1] The Barna Group, “How Concerned Are Christian Parents About Their Children’s Faith Formation?” 2022,

[2] Ibid.

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