José Martí devoted his life to protecting Cuba from colonial rule, particularly those under the control of the United States, since the late 1800s. Let us quickly define colonialism. In essence, colonialism attempts to dominate via politics and economics involving the control of a country and its people by settlers from a foreign power. Are there any examples of modern-day colonialism? There is a type of colonialism that is subtle and quickly looked over.
Confucious Rooms in America
You may not have heard, but the Christian Broadcasting Network reported something very interesting that, without a doubt, is a form of modern colonialism. “China is believed to have spent at least $17 million establishing so-called “Confucius Classrooms” in 143 school districts across the U.S., teaching school children Beijing’s view of the world.” Who is the occupier now? To the believer in Christ, we hold to the Word of God’s view of the world, not a human imposition on the world. Why does China need to have “Confucious Classrooms” in the United States when they destroy Christian congregations and their buildings in China? The bigger question is how much each of these 147 school districts earns. Why would the American people sell out their own unless they are communists in disguise? China knows that to change a country, you must target the children through education.
Education, The Road to Change
José Martí and the men after him knew that education was how to enact change in a country. Author Carlos Ripoll states, “Marti worked tirelessly to end colonial rule in Cuba and prevent the island from falling under the control of the United States or any regime opposed to the democratic principles he held.”[1] Martí was imprisoned in Cuba for resisting Spanish colonial rule and wrote about the deplorable conditions of the prisons. After being exiled to Spain, he eventually moved to New York from 1881 to 1895. While in the United States, Martí observed and learned from the nation, saying, “It is necessary to study the way this nation sins, the way it errs, the way it founders, so as not to founder as it does.”[2] So now we have Marti holding the moral reigns? Talk about arrogance at its highest level with Martí limited human understanding as the moral compass for an entire society.
Jesus Christ’s Resurrection Presents a Challenge to the World
We know the Word of God is true because the human race constantly attempts to usurp its authority. I, Jose Marti, will determine what sin is and what it is not. If you are a person who rejects the Bible as the Word of God, then who or what is your authority? Believers in Jesus Christ place their submission to the Word of God, which to this day reeks of God’s truth. After all, over 500 people witnessed the resurrected Lord Jesus. “After that He was seen by over five hundred brethren at once, of whom the greater part remain to the present, but some have fallen asleep” (1 Corinthians 15:6, NKJV). Christ’s resurrection presents a significant challenge to the world because Jesus said that He would rise from the dead and that He is the way, the truth, and the life, and no one can come to the Father except through Him.
Freeing Oneself from Indifference and Superiority
Martí’s mindset underwent a significant transformation, believing that freeing oneself from Indifference and superiority was essential for man’s salvation. This conviction was articulated in the statement by Ripoll, “To attain the salvation of man the only thing needed, he felt, was to free man from apathy and egotism.”[3] Do you get that? “He felt.” His belief is not grounded in anything but human-limited thinking. There is your answer when you share the gospel of Jesus Christ, and that person says that is your belief. No, that is what the Bible states, and if you repent of your sins and make Jesus Lord of your life, the scales from your eyes will be removed.
Let us take a look at this more closely. Apathy or Indifference is a trait that means a certain quality one has, such as lacking interest or enthusiasm in things. When you feel Indifference for something, you neither like it nor dislike it. Whoa! Let me read that again. Does this sound familiar? If not, listen to what Jesus had to say in Revelation Chapter 3.
To the Church in Laodicea
14 “To the angel of the church in Laodicea write: These are the words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the ruler of God’s creation. 15 I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot, (you neither like it nor dislike it). I wish you were either one or the other! 16 So, because you are lukewarm, (indifferent)—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth” (Revelation 3:14-16, NIV).
Easily Controlled by Indifference
Indifference is what socialism, communism, and Marxism create in people; you are neither hot nor cold, just working for the greater good and becoming indifferent. You are easy to control when someone can cause you to be indifferent. How else could communist regimes control the masses other than through violence? By creating a society of indifference while leaders hold the reigns who are not indifferent. How is this so? Fidel Castro had a bankroll of millions upon his death. In an article on the ibtimes, author Tim Marcin wrote, “Fidel Castro long told Cubans he lived off of a meager salary. But the Cuban leader, who died Saturday at the age of 90, passed away a very wealthy man — and he reportedly had been for many years.” Who would have thought Fidel, the dictator, would be true to his word?
Surrender Your Life to Christ to Break Free of Sin, Indifference
Listen, when we surrender our lives to Christ and do all for the glory of God, we will automatically be doing it for the greater good without sacrificing the gifts He has given us. We do it God’s way, not Sinatra’s way or any communist regime’s way. Surrendering to the greater good above God is placing the greater good on the throne, leading to spiritual death. Let me add that walking with God is the most challenging act anyone can do, and it far exceeds any human-limited attempt at life. Yes, that is correct; we are limited and will never escape it until Christ returns and we are like Him, but that does not mean we roll over and conform.
If you are a person who feels much indifference, you probably say “eh” a lot. You do not care much. Indifference is similar to apathy, which means “lack of concern,” though apathy is stronger: Apathy means you do not care whether your friends call you; indifference means you do not care what movie you end up seeing — you do not have a strong preference for any of the choices. What a perfect way to disarm humanity from achieving greatness. Oh, but we achieve greatness every day, you say. Okay, look at who are the ones people claim are achieving greatness. You will find that they are not in communities with the “greater good” jobs. Do the research, and you will see.
He Loves You With an Everlasting Love
Whether you believe God exists or Jesus Christ is the resurrected Messiah, He loves you with everlasting love. That is a love that surpasses all human understanding because it is a love that has always existed, never had a beginning, and will never have an end. Do you understand what this communicates? No one can fully grasp the love of God. We can glimpse it when we repent and come to Christ because He, the Holy Spirit, resides in our hearts and fills the chasm before us. However, will we ever truly know the full extent of God’s love? Yes, when Christ comes back for those who have placed their faith in Him, we will know the full extent of His love that will be enjoyed throughout all eternity.
Do Not Judge God by the Actions of Others
Listen, do not judge God and his Word based upon fallen humanity. Humans always disappoint, but God never does. Your salvation is not reliant on human accolades, but rather in the resurrected Lord Jesus Christ who was born of a virgin, walked the earth sinless, crucified, and died on the cross, but rose from the dead that whoever believes in Him, not what anyone says to you, but in Him will have eternal life. Get out from under the sin of indifference today and be raised to new life in Christ. If Jose Marti were here right now, this is what I would tell him. It is necessary to study the way you sin, err, and founder so as not to founder in your continued sin. Repent before it is too late.
[1] Carlos Ripoll, Jose Marti, the United States, and the Marxist Interpretation of Cuban (1st ed. 1984), 1.
[2] Ibid., 2.
[3] Ibid.
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